Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Well ladies last night I was scheduled to do my seminar for WOMEN ONLY in Wichita, Kansas and it started snowing, sleeting and wind was howling.... People were stocking up on stuff and certainly thinking about attending a health seminar! But, I show up anyway 'cuase that's my style.. I was sure that nobody would be there but I wanted to hold my promise of ONE WOMAN AT A TIME........

THEN THERE WAS ONE....... THEN TWO...... THEN THREE AND FOUR AND FIVE AND THEN TEN! That is exacly my point about women. You just can't scare them! They came to my seminar and the crowd was mixed as usual......... From some of them in really good shape wanting to be the best they can be and some just getting started on a healthy life style. We had a great seminar and every woman committed to get SMALLER, TIGHTER, FIRMER, LEANER, STRONGER AND FEELING BETTER........ As usual we are going to start my 90 day program with all of them........... My wife (The Nurse) will get their medication and hormone information as we start our Urine Analysis for pH levels right away.

The most important point is that even though women are unique do to all the hormone fluxes and meds etc., EVERY WOMAN IS UNIQUE WITHIN HERSELF.! Over the next 90 dayd we will find out what works for each woman. During the first four weeks each of them will stop retaining water and all will DROP a minimum of TEN POUNDS OF FAT. PLUS, and most important to me, EVERY WOMAN IS GOING TO FEEL SO MUCH BETTER. I love that part and love the many emails from women who tell me that. YEAH!!!!
So, there ya go...... Not even the blizzard will stop the women from hearing the TRUTH and starting to work with me and my team... AND, since I was stranded here in Wichita I went back to the gym and met with the women to workout with them. NOW THAT IS REAL BIG TIME FUN FOR ME!

Come on, start the 90 day journey and get to know me and my wife Janet as we make you part of our journey to make women FIRMER WHILE LOSING FAT AND FEELING GREAT. Just go to WWW.LAUNCHTHENEWYOU.COM and not only read about the program but HEAR ME as I explain it to you, motivate you and change your life.......

NEXT STOP: Monday in RockRapids, Iowa at Curves For Women.... The ladies at those clubs are really a lot of fun and they all know each other! Stay tuned as Tony and I tour every State, City, Town, & Village in this Country trying to find YOU...... Danny R.

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