Sunday, August 28, 2011

7 Super Strategies for FALLing Back Into Shape

If America is the “barely-vacation nation” with its paltry 15 days of average down time a year, then American women are the under-compensated queens of this guilded sweat-shop sovereignty we call the U.S. of A.. Ladies, you know where I’m going. Here we are, a leaf’s breath from Fall and where did your summer go? Apart from the steaming temperatures and hurling hurricanes, was there anything remarkable, much less relaxing, about your summer?!

With the kids out of school, you probably ended up feeling like “Driving Miss Crazy” after dropping the the kids at day camp or picking them up from pizza night or one of the other activities designed to prevent your pent-up muffin from making mural masterpieces out your living room walls. If you were lucky enough to get a real vacation, it probably fell on you to plan and execute it. Let’s face it, girls, you’ve got the “organizer gene”. Once you were there, you probably got five minutes of lounge chair/Mai Tai time in between scary Blackberry client calls. Then you’re back home trying to figure out why you’re so exhausted. You set out to recharge your batteries, but end up feeling like you got punked by the Energizer Bunny.

You see, women give and give and give until they turn around one day and figure out, “Hey look at that! There’s an “i” smack-dab in the middle of “exist”. So here comes Fall. Your darlings are back in the books; you’re back on the hook at work and - well - a little out of shape from a summer of self-denial. Don’t worry. Danny Russo gets it. While most so-called health and fitness gurus think women are going to wait for January to roll around to get back in shape, Danny knows better. He knows September/October is prime time for women to reclaim their domain and fall back into shape. So here’s a few tips from the legend of lipo-reduction; the magnate of womens fitness.

  1. Ease back into your exercise regimen. Don’t beat yourself up for falling off your routine. Read above if you need to be reminded why.
  2. Get back to basics of the Danny’s FEW (Food Exercise Water) fat loss program by finding the physical activity, diet and hydration remedies that work best for your body.
  3. Set small, reachable goals. Trying for big steps will only leave you frustrated and disappointed if you can’t reach them. Start little for eventually big results.
  4. Don’t chose a workout regimen built on the latest fad, like rope climbing or mud hopping, or egg walking or whatever some “trainer” tells you is the coolest thing for NFL players. You’re not a linebacker - you are you! You don’t need to sack quarterbacks, you just want to look fabulous and foxy. Do what works for you!
  5. Shoot for consistency. Now that your schedule is a little more predictable, find a time for taking care of you and stick with it.
  6. Reestablish your diet regime. You might have indulged in some salty chips or a few more margaritas this summer and that’s OK. Just remember, a low sodium diet, combined with less fat intake is the one of the keys to regaining the slimmer, trimmer you.
  7. And of course, attend a Danny Russo ThinSpiration seminar to turbo-charge your fat loss programs. There’s probably one coming soon to gym near you. And if there isn’t, can you say, “road trip”?

You’ve got your homework, ladies. It back to basics: you know, shapes, numbers and subtraction. Regain your shape by running the numbers (of reps) and subtracting the fat. Once upon a time you paid attention in class; now pay attention to yourself for once. See how easy that was?

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