Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Here we go one more time! Look at these women all fired up. Again, all type and ages understanding that DIETS DON'T WORK.. DIET FOODS ARE NOT GOOD FOR YOU.. Plus, all these women now realize why they have not gotten the results they so badly want.
It is now time to realize that women have so many obsticles before them that stop them from getting the best, and faster possible results. Things like BIRTH CONTROL PILLS, HAVINGING BABIES, CYCLES, WATER RETENTION AND HORMONAL FLUXUATIONS! All that sure makes me happy that I'm a man. Now these women HAVE ME! We are going to work together to help them get THINNER, TIGHTER, FIRMER, LEANER, STRONGER, HEATHIER AND MORE IMPORTANT, FEELING BETTER......... We are going to look at medications and limitations etc... EVERY WOMEN IS UNIQUE! The job at hand is to figure out what works for EVERY INDIVIDUAL WOMAN based on HER UNIQUE SITUATION.
In short, the main goals here are to FLATEN ABS, FIRM THAT BUTT, LEAN DOWN THOSE LEGS............. TONE THAT BODY BABY!!! The right nutrition that finds out what foods belong IN THEIR BODY (not take away from the body) to help with the above. The exercise? Only twice a week at home or in the gym....... Only four exercies during the first 30 days with amazing results........ Wow! Then I teach them how to foam roll at home. Great for CELLULITE POCKETS!!!
So much more to talk about........ Come on! Lets do this together just go to www.launchthenewyou.com. Look at the women who have been through this program and see how easy this program will fit into your life...... You wanna get in better shape and feel better? This is you opportunity.....
I am not making resolutions, I'm making CHANGES! AND, I WILL GLORY IN YOUR CHANGE. I'm on the way to California for Monday, then to Vegas, then to Scotssdale, Az and ending up this months tour at Colorado Springs.......... Next Month: The mid-west. Keep up with me......... It'll be fun.......... On the way to the gym to my workout in. You may hear some thunder in the sky... Don't worry that's just me pumping iron in the gym..... Smile.

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