Monday, August 29, 2011

SuckerPunch that Sodium: 7 Ways To Ditch the Salt Itch

Just when you thought those guys with thick glasses and white lab coats did nothing but fondle their beakers all day, you realize scientists actually have a sense of humor. You remember your periodic tables from high school chemistry class? Those boxed matrici of upper case consonants and subscript numbers? Every one of those table elements has some kind of fancy Latin name associated with it. For example we all know Na, the main ingredient of common table salt, is better know scientifically as sodium. It turns out some smart Alexander actually named sodium after the Medieval Latin word sodanum, which translates roughly as "headache remedy". Oh, those slide-rule kidders. Apart from saturated fat, has there ever been a substance that has caused more headaches in the history of nutrition than sodium?!

Sodium is one of the most abundant elements on our planet and is critical for regulating proper human bodily function. Without going all Grey's Anatomy, we'll just say sodium is essential for nerve function because it balances out potassium in your system with an opposing electrical "charge". But when your body is over saturated with salt, bad stuff happens -like high blood pressure; like kidney disease and increased risk of stroke. And unfortunately, in America, we tend to like a pinch of food with our salt. By one counting, 90% of us regularly roar past the recommended intake of 2,300 milligrams of sodium per day. Hop on down to your local Spuds and Duds and look at the shelves. You'll see salty chips; salty canned food, salty prepared food - even food that doesn't taste particularly salty (e.g., bread) is packed with sodium. And we're not even counting the more insidious presence of sodium in baked goods (baking soda and baking soda), fast food (MSG), and of course the not so subtle preservatives used in bacon and hot dogs (sodium nitrate).

The residual effects of sodium can spell problems for most people, but can be even worse for women due to the unique properties of - well - being a girl. Your old friends the Hormones are not particularly helpful with respect to the negative effects of sodium on your body. The influx of certain female hormones, particularly estrogen and progesterone tend to overstate the presence of sodium in the body. When that happens, your internal systems react by trying to put out the sodium fire by diluting it with water. Hence the water weight gain and painful bloating in the stomach and, occasionally, breast areas.

If that's not bad enough, cellulite cells, most common on women's thighs, also tend to become like little storage bins for retained water. (Although recent research suggests this may be more closely related your body's attempt to dilute toxins such as pesticides which are also believed to reside in the cellulite tissues.)

But if you live in a saltine society, what the heck are you supposed to do about getting your sodium levels down? Here's a few tips from the guru of get thin; that sultan sodium-tamer, Danny Russo:

1. Eat more fresh foods. Canned and/or prepared foods tend to be eons higher in salt content, so stay away.

2. Make friends with bananas. And baked potatoes and cantaloupe and spinach. Why? Because they are all particularly dense in potassium content. As we mentioned, potassium is healthy "Ying" to sodium's water-attracting "Yang"

3. Skip the chips. There are all kinds of alternatives these day to super salty snacks. Rice cakes are particularly good substitute as they give you crunch without the sodium punch.

4. Drink water at specified times of the day. (Danny Russo has an excellent hydration routine you can read about here.) Water weight gain is usually a consequence of your body feeling dehydrated and going into survival mode to literally "hold your water". This effect will be exacerbated by a high sodium diet, so drink up ladies!

5. Take the time to prepare your own food. When you buy food for convenience, nine times out of ten, it will be loaded with sodium. The best way to control your sodium intake is to know exactly how much sodium you're taking in. The best way to do that is home cookin'. (It tastes better too).

6. Learn to cook with other spices. Again, salt is a convenient way to season food, but it's far from the only way. There are more spices that you can shake a rack at and common items like lemon, garlic and herbs can be used in infinitely different ways. You want to be more creative? Here's your chance.

7. Attend a Danny Russo "For Women Only" seminar near you. Danny can talk to you more in depth about water retention and how to make a low sodium diet a regular part of your health regimen along with exercise and proper hydration. Russo has been helping women scat the fat and feel good for thirty years now. His wife Janet, co-director of his FEW (Food Exercise Water) fat loss programs is a trained dietitian and can provide you with some super low sodium recipes that won't leave you feeling thirsty or unsatisfied.

So, c'mon all of you salt-of-the-earth girls. Say sayonara to all that sodium. Your body will heart you for it.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

7 Super Strategies for FALLing Back Into Shape

If America is the “barely-vacation nation” with its paltry 15 days of average down time a year, then American women are the under-compensated queens of this guilded sweat-shop sovereignty we call the U.S. of A.. Ladies, you know where I’m going. Here we are, a leaf’s breath from Fall and where did your summer go? Apart from the steaming temperatures and hurling hurricanes, was there anything remarkable, much less relaxing, about your summer?!

With the kids out of school, you probably ended up feeling like “Driving Miss Crazy” after dropping the the kids at day camp or picking them up from pizza night or one of the other activities designed to prevent your pent-up muffin from making mural masterpieces out your living room walls. If you were lucky enough to get a real vacation, it probably fell on you to plan and execute it. Let’s face it, girls, you’ve got the “organizer gene”. Once you were there, you probably got five minutes of lounge chair/Mai Tai time in between scary Blackberry client calls. Then you’re back home trying to figure out why you’re so exhausted. You set out to recharge your batteries, but end up feeling like you got punked by the Energizer Bunny.

You see, women give and give and give until they turn around one day and figure out, “Hey look at that! There’s an “i” smack-dab in the middle of “exist”. So here comes Fall. Your darlings are back in the books; you’re back on the hook at work and - well - a little out of shape from a summer of self-denial. Don’t worry. Danny Russo gets it. While most so-called health and fitness gurus think women are going to wait for January to roll around to get back in shape, Danny knows better. He knows September/October is prime time for women to reclaim their domain and fall back into shape. So here’s a few tips from the legend of lipo-reduction; the magnate of womens fitness.

  1. Ease back into your exercise regimen. Don’t beat yourself up for falling off your routine. Read above if you need to be reminded why.
  2. Get back to basics of the Danny’s FEW (Food Exercise Water) fat loss program by finding the physical activity, diet and hydration remedies that work best for your body.
  3. Set small, reachable goals. Trying for big steps will only leave you frustrated and disappointed if you can’t reach them. Start little for eventually big results.
  4. Don’t chose a workout regimen built on the latest fad, like rope climbing or mud hopping, or egg walking or whatever some “trainer” tells you is the coolest thing for NFL players. You’re not a linebacker - you are you! You don’t need to sack quarterbacks, you just want to look fabulous and foxy. Do what works for you!
  5. Shoot for consistency. Now that your schedule is a little more predictable, find a time for taking care of you and stick with it.
  6. Reestablish your diet regime. You might have indulged in some salty chips or a few more margaritas this summer and that’s OK. Just remember, a low sodium diet, combined with less fat intake is the one of the keys to regaining the slimmer, trimmer you.
  7. And of course, attend a Danny Russo ThinSpiration seminar to turbo-charge your fat loss programs. There’s probably one coming soon to gym near you. And if there isn’t, can you say, “road trip”?

You’ve got your homework, ladies. It back to basics: you know, shapes, numbers and subtraction. Regain your shape by running the numbers (of reps) and subtracting the fat. Once upon a time you paid attention in class; now pay attention to yourself for once. See how easy that was?

Friday, August 26, 2011

ThinCredible Edibles: Low Sodium Italian Dressing

In case you haven't noticed, we here at Launch the New You are down on high sodium. While sodium is essential to helping your body's cells function properly, too much of it - especially in women - can lead to painful water retention.

Janet Russo, a trained dietitian and co-director of Danny Russo's FEW (Food Exercise Water) fat loss program, has put together an entire menu of low sodium alternative foods. Here is her recipe for low sodium Italian salad dressing.














Tuesday, August 23, 2011

You're NOT Every Woman

It's not an especially good idea to disagree with a diva. Especially if she's a singer - a brand of female known especially for their awe-inspiring, turbo-charged, "diva-ness". Cell phones get thrown, insults get hurled and just general bad behavior is what you are in for. Doubly so when you provoke a pop music prima donna. Well, guess what: Chaka, Whitney and Taylor? You're all wrong - so get it right! You are not "every woman". And not just because you are music millionairesses.

You know the cheeky Chaka Khan song "I'm Every Woman" that keeps getting recycled by successive pop divas like Whitney Houston and most recently by Taylor Swift? Snappy tune, catchy beat, but something of a snipe quest. Why? Because in reality there is no farcical "everywoman"! Every woman is different. As in completely, uniquely, unmitigatedly, emphatically D-I-F-F-E-R-E-N-T. Got it, girls?

But why do I risk the diva's wrath by positing such a position? How do I know this to be true, you ask? Because Danny Russo says so. And that is good enough for me. Russo, the harbinger of healthy fat loss; the potentate of restoring your feminine figure eight has put this belief to the test. Through thirty years of researching women's health and teaching his "For Women Only" fat loss programs, Danny has learned one thing: that there is no "one thing" that works for every woman. Every women is unique. Her body composition, pH levels and hormonal makeup is as individual as each flake of falling snow; as each drop of drizzling rain, as...OK, you get the idea.

So can you explain why all these fad diets and faux fitness programs treat you like you're, well... everyone else? Isn't that the pitch women are always given? Isn't that what diet promotions are all about? "Look how the Raw Sand diet helped (insert celebrispawn or ex-reality show star here) lose 200 pounds! It will work exactly the same for you!". Um, in a word: No.

It doesn't work because it can't work. Danny Russo knows this. He'll be the first one to tell you. His customized weight loss plan, known as FEW (Food Exercise Water), is tailored for each individual woman. What works for one woman may not be right for another. And this is, quite frankly, common sense. Just because the woman next to you lives for the punk, pitchforks and the Plasmatics doesn't mean you have to. This is what Danny Russo's fat loss philosophy is all about. And he can make is work for you. So let's take it from the top Chaka: "I'm NOT every woman/Whatever (I) want/Whatever (I) need/I'll do it naturally."

Sing it, Sisters!

Sunday, August 21, 2011


TOUR STOP: BLUFFTON, SOUTH CAROLINA..!! WOW! This group of women were one of the most active and in shape groups I have met with. A large group of them were runners and they train together. Now we are going add in some weight training for that lower body.. That will not only help with their running but really start to tone up those bodies... Almost all of the women started my 90 day program that will start on the 29th. of this month. Each will communicate with me as we find out what works for EACH INDIVIDUAL WOMAN... Remember, not only are women so unique each woman is unique within herself.. So many variables and obsticles that women have to deal with will be considered in helping each woman become Thinner, Firmer, Leaner, Stronger, Healthier and Most Important, Feeling Gooooooood!!! My question to you is always the same: ARE YOU NEXT?? I'm waitin' on ya............. Russoman

TOUR STOP: COLUMBIA, SOUTH CAROLINA......! My August Tour started at Columbia, South Carolina on Thursday night. It was a really cool mostly personal training club with real sharp trainers.. Almost all the women started my program as we will all start the same 90 day journey finding out how to make each of them Thinner, Firmer, Leaner, Stronger, Healthier and Most Importantly, Feeling really goooooood!!!!!!!!!! Same question: ARE YOU NEXT?

Monday, August 15, 2011

Danny Russo Knows Squat

Danny Russo wants to get your back up against the wall. With a ball. No, he's not telling you to be a wallflower - just the opposite. He wants to give you power - the power to lose it. The fat, that is.

Danny, a get-you-off-that-lousy diet fitness Evangelist, has been prescribing the 'nets best healthy fat loss system for women going on thirty years now. His program is simple, shenanigan-free and customized for the needs of every individual woman. It's no coincidence that the literal center of his three pillar FEW fat loss programs (that would be the "E" for those of you playing at home) is: Exercise. Danny's so-simple-it's-revolutionary FEW program (Food Exercise Water) requires you to shake it, ladies. Consistent exercise is key to keeping you trim, lean and happy.

Getting into a regular exercise routine might seen overwhelming at first, but it's easier than you think. You don't have to jump on a machine or eat raw eggs or drag a sled filled with old engine blocks through six feet of snow. No! Danny Russo has many easy, safe workout routines for women that don't require that level of aggravation. For example, if you want to bag that excess baggage around the tummy and lower body regions, all you need is a ball and a wall. Introducing: wall-e ball.

Danny knows squat. From his years of fitness coaching elite NFL athletes, Danny has found the squat to be one of the most important and results-getting exercises on the planet for taming that lower body baggage. But you don't need a weight rack, dumbbells or any expensive workout equipment to get slim-tacular results. Just go to your friendly WallMart and drop ten bucks for a workout ball. Rest your sore cheeks after blowing it up, then stand facing out from a wall. Place the ball between you and the wall so it contacts the middle of your back.

Before you start playing wall-y ball, there are a few tricks necessary to tailor this squat exercise just for a woman's body. Place your feet wide on the floor. Positioning them just outside the width of your shoulders will tone the butt and tops of the legs.

Now squat down as far as you feel comfortable, pushing up against the ball on the way down. Straighten your legs again and repeat. The ball provides the support you need to make sure this exercise is not just effective, but safe. You can see proper form for the squat demonstrated on my exercise video at

For extra tone-age, tense your ab muscles and pretend that you are expecting someone to punch you in the stomach at any minute. Sucking in those abs and keeping your weight in your heels will tone that tummy along with your butt and legs. When you're just starting out, try to do from two to five sets of eight to twelve repetitions.

You don't have to play wall-y ball by yourself in a cold, dark room. Use the tube as your workout partner. Time your sets by your favorite show's commercial breaks. Every time they cut away to sell you soap, start a new set or squats. Before you know it, you're going to feel and look so good that you'll want to hit the wall every day. But don't. Give your body at least a day to recover between wall-y ball sessions.

Danny Russo is a former fighter, Army Ranger and NFL strength coach who has 30 years experience helping women get thinner, leaner and healthier. He is currently touring the country with his “For Women Only” fat loss and fitness ThinSpiration seminars.

Monday, August 8, 2011

ThinCredible Edibles: Spectacular Spinach

It's not just for Popeye anymore.

Spinach is so good for you, it's nearly impossible to find a part of your anatomy this verdant veggie does NOT benefit. We'll just say spinach is a great source of iron for women. Iron helps your blood cells carry oxygen more efficiently, so this green-as-all-getout leaf will turn up the volume on your get up n' go.

Here's a super spinach recipe straight from our staff dietician Janet Russo:















Thursday, August 4, 2011

Danny Russo: Set Your Phases for Stunning!

Danny Russo's Three Phase Fat Loss Supplement Program

Good things come in threes. Especially “good for you” things. Danny Russo announces the release of his three phase women’s fat loss supplement program. And don’t call it a diet. Danny Russo will tell you he’s not a “diet guy”. The self-described women’s fitness and health evangelist is traveling the country this spring to rally the droops (of unwanted weight) that have collected on your body all winter long. And, like all inspiring leaders, he has a plan. A three phase supplement plan that actually works. This tri-UMPH of supplements is the bedrock for Danny’s FEW (Food Exercise Water) regimen. At the end of 90 days, Danny’s supplements will have you leaner, tighter, firmer and feeling just plain stunning. Book it.

The focus of the Phase One (Day 1-30) supplements is to relieve dreaded water retention - a problem that affects many women; especially in their lower bodies. Once you “demote the bloat”, you’ll be supercharging your body for more efficient fat burning. And what will fill in for the fat? Lean Muscle Mass! Phase one will help you trap that new tone by holding onto newly built muscle.

The Phase Two (Day 30-60) supplement is custom crafted with just the right balance of nutrients. The synergistic balance created by Danny Russo’s proprietary vitamin/mineral formula is key, because without it, your body will pass the nutrients instead of retaining them. And after the first thirty days, you’re already a fitness champ, so you’ll need those critical vitamins and minerals to repair and rebuild more lean muscle.

Phase Three (Day 60-90): With your body prepped for total fat termination, this final supplement is infused with amino acids; the essential chemical building blocks for lean muscle mass. The supplements are all connected to exact Natural Nutrition and Exercise formulas for each woman. No line-jumping, please... Make sure you have completed the first two phases before taking this one on.

Phase Four? Ballyhoo the New You!

Danny Russo is a former fighter, Army Ranger and NFL strength coach who has spent the last 30 years helping women get thinner, leaner and healthier. He is currently touring the country with his “For Women Only” fat loss and fitness seminars.