Monday, August 15, 2011

Danny Russo Knows Squat

Danny Russo wants to get your back up against the wall. With a ball. No, he's not telling you to be a wallflower - just the opposite. He wants to give you power - the power to lose it. The fat, that is.

Danny, a get-you-off-that-lousy diet fitness Evangelist, has been prescribing the 'nets best healthy fat loss system for women going on thirty years now. His program is simple, shenanigan-free and customized for the needs of every individual woman. It's no coincidence that the literal center of his three pillar FEW fat loss programs (that would be the "E" for those of you playing at home) is: Exercise. Danny's so-simple-it's-revolutionary FEW program (Food Exercise Water) requires you to shake it, ladies. Consistent exercise is key to keeping you trim, lean and happy.

Getting into a regular exercise routine might seen overwhelming at first, but it's easier than you think. You don't have to jump on a machine or eat raw eggs or drag a sled filled with old engine blocks through six feet of snow. No! Danny Russo has many easy, safe workout routines for women that don't require that level of aggravation. For example, if you want to bag that excess baggage around the tummy and lower body regions, all you need is a ball and a wall. Introducing: wall-e ball.

Danny knows squat. From his years of fitness coaching elite NFL athletes, Danny has found the squat to be one of the most important and results-getting exercises on the planet for taming that lower body baggage. But you don't need a weight rack, dumbbells or any expensive workout equipment to get slim-tacular results. Just go to your friendly WallMart and drop ten bucks for a workout ball. Rest your sore cheeks after blowing it up, then stand facing out from a wall. Place the ball between you and the wall so it contacts the middle of your back.

Before you start playing wall-y ball, there are a few tricks necessary to tailor this squat exercise just for a woman's body. Place your feet wide on the floor. Positioning them just outside the width of your shoulders will tone the butt and tops of the legs.

Now squat down as far as you feel comfortable, pushing up against the ball on the way down. Straighten your legs again and repeat. The ball provides the support you need to make sure this exercise is not just effective, but safe. You can see proper form for the squat demonstrated on my exercise video at

For extra tone-age, tense your ab muscles and pretend that you are expecting someone to punch you in the stomach at any minute. Sucking in those abs and keeping your weight in your heels will tone that tummy along with your butt and legs. When you're just starting out, try to do from two to five sets of eight to twelve repetitions.

You don't have to play wall-y ball by yourself in a cold, dark room. Use the tube as your workout partner. Time your sets by your favorite show's commercial breaks. Every time they cut away to sell you soap, start a new set or squats. Before you know it, you're going to feel and look so good that you'll want to hit the wall every day. But don't. Give your body at least a day to recover between wall-y ball sessions.

Danny Russo is a former fighter, Army Ranger and NFL strength coach who has 30 years experience helping women get thinner, leaner and healthier. He is currently touring the country with his “For Women Only” fat loss and fitness ThinSpiration seminars.

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