Thursday, June 16, 2011


TOUR STOP: MANSFIELD, TEXAS!!! Last night the tour took me to Manfield, Texas. I called home and told my wife that I don't think anyone will be at the event. Reason: THE HEAT!! It was 103 degress and the sun was burning down. BUT! When I walked in the door there they were all ready to get THINNER, FIRMER, LEANER, STRONGER, HEALTHIER AND FEELING BETTER. All with no "Fat Bruner" pills (There is no such pill), fad diets, tricks or gimmacks... Over the next 90 days we will find out what works for EACH INDIVIDUAL WOMAN. Every women is unique due to the hormone thing, medications etc. The woman on the right with the "Crown" on her head was the women who had lost the most weight in that club... She still joined my program as did her daughter... So, my question for all of you who read this blog is the same: ARE YOU NEXT? DO YOU WANT TO LOOSE FAT, BE HEALTHIER AND FEEL BETTER? Then just come on and lets get it done. You can do it on your own or with my guidance at I'm waitin' for ya.. Danny

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