Saturday, June 25, 2011

TOUR STOP: TOPEKA, KANSAS!! My last stop on the June portion of my National Tour! A huge facility with every kind of training method on the planet........... We had a great time and all the women are starting my 90 day program to get THINNER,FIRMER, LEANER,STRONGER,HEALTHIER AND FEELING BETTER!!! No magic pill and NO CHEMICALS!!! Just finding out what NATURALLY works for each of them. Every women is unique and I will find out what it takes for each of them to get it done.... We will work on mostly the lower body and each women will loose a minimum of 10 pounds of FAT mostly in that area during the first few weeks. Then the fun really starts as we work on TONE!!! So here we are again and, again, I ask you the same question: ARE YOU NEXT??? DO YOU WANT TO LOOSE SOME FAT? DO YOU WANT TO FEEL BETTER? DO YOU WANT GUIDANCE FROM A MASTER? THEN COME ON! I'm waitin' on you... JUST YOU!

Thursday, June 23, 2011





Last Night the National Tour took me to Lexington, Nebraska.... Is was business as usuall.. Every woman who attended the seminar started my program.. The amazing lady on the right is unbelievable!! She is 79 years old and she looks great, she feels great and she is really healthy!!! But! She started my program also!! I asked her why she started and she simply told me she wants to stay the way she is and get stronger... Oh, I make her stronger and then some.... Her name is Charlene!! I LOVE CHARLENE!!!! I just had to get my picture taken with her to show everyone that no matter how old you are or how out of shape you think you are YOU can do better... My Job: To make sure you get there..... I'll ask the same question to you: R U NEXT? I'm waitin' on you...... Visit me for a minute and I'll change you life....

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Last Night the tour took me to Kearney, Nebraska.. I wish I had something new to say to you about what we did... How excited we were and how each women is going to get in better shape hanging with me for the next 90 days.

It is the same every night.. Nobody gets up and leaves the seminar and most decide to start wroking with me to finally find out what works for JUST THEM....


Coo in Hot Springs, SD..!

TOUR STOP: HOT SPRINGS, SD....! Here we go agian.. Last night the National Tour
to Hot Springs, South Dakota. What a beautiful place... You could tell everyone was in great mood with the winter gone and the tourist season starting for them. All these women were excited to finally find out the truth about getting in better shape and feeling better.. THE TRUTH: Each of these women are unique and we will take that uniqueness into consideration as we find out what works JUST FOR THEM... THE GOALS: Smaller, tighter, Leaner,Firmer, Stronger and Feeling Really Goooood... Menopause: No Problem.... Water Retention: No Problem... Lower Stomach: No Problem.... Finding out what works for you too: No Problem!!!

Sunday, June 19, 2011


The summer tour is on and my second stop was in Athens, Texas at a huge facility called "The Cain Center"... As I sat in the parking lot I thougt that it is way too HOT for any woman to show up to see and hear ME!! It was 103 degress in the darn shade... Well, there they are all full of energy and excited to finally get real answers and RESULTS... As always over 70% of them started my program and are already to start in a few days. THE GOALS: THNNER, FIRMER, STRONGER, LEANER, HEATHIER AND FEELING GOOOOOD! How are we going to get there??? We're gonna work with each one to find out what foods they need to put IN their body to make it happen for them. We start with all natural foods.. NO DIET STUFF! That just means more chemicals etc. for the liver to breakdown and take away from burning up your fat and helping you feel good. We are going to rid each woman's body of water retention and find the perfect hydration level for each of them... We eliminate only three foods, lower PROCESSED sodium (Not natural sodium), increase potassium and take a special formula of all natural supplements that took me many years to formulate perfectly... THEN! Oh yeah... then, we give them some exercise instructions... Only four movements either in the gym or at home... FIRST MONTH: 10 pounds of FAT GONE..... Many INCHES GONE.... Everybody feels much better!

So, do you want to do the same without tricks and/or gimmacks? You can even do it on your own with me sitting on your shoulder if you want to..... Just take a minute to visit me at and I'll change your life "FOR BETTER & FOREVER".. Just waitin' on you............. NEXT STOP: Kearney, Nebraska.....

Thursday, June 16, 2011


TOUR STOP: MANSFIELD, TEXAS!!! Last night the tour took me to Manfield, Texas. I called home and told my wife that I don't think anyone will be at the event. Reason: THE HEAT!! It was 103 degress and the sun was burning down. BUT! When I walked in the door there they were all ready to get THINNER, FIRMER, LEANER, STRONGER, HEALTHIER AND FEELING BETTER. All with no "Fat Bruner" pills (There is no such pill), fad diets, tricks or gimmacks... Over the next 90 days we will find out what works for EACH INDIVIDUAL WOMAN. Every women is unique due to the hormone thing, medications etc. The woman on the right with the "Crown" on her head was the women who had lost the most weight in that club... She still joined my program as did her daughter... So, my question for all of you who read this blog is the same: ARE YOU NEXT? DO YOU WANT TO LOOSE FAT, BE HEALTHIER AND FEEL BETTER? Then just come on and lets get it done. You can do it on your own or with my guidance at I'm waitin' for ya.. Danny