Friday, May 21, 2010


Last night I was in a small town (I Love Those) in Ohio and these women came as they all do every night ready to get it done......... They were very clear on what their goals were and I was even more clear on how I was going to help them accomplish those same goals........... I say it everyday.... THINNER, TIGHTER, FIRMER, LEANER, STRONGER, HEALTHIER, AND FEELING BETTER.

I told them the story about the Doctor telling me a few years ago that I was going to die unless I do very hard core drugs injected into my body on regular basis.. These same drugs were going to make me very depressed, even suicidal!! Iwas going to loose my hair, loose all the lean tissue I worked all my life to maintain........ Plus more bad stuff.

I refused and just took care of my body NATURALLY... I take natural supplements and drink Greens and eat fruits and veggies etc. Oh, I still have some pizza and a hot dog at the game but I know how to naturally cure my body...
I am going to help all the women on my program to help the Doctor by putting in the foods and maybe natural herbs to help with their illness. You have no idea!!!!!
All that while finding out what foods belong IN their body, not TAKEAWAY from their body to help burn fat, create lean tissue, relieve water retention and if they have hormonal issues help get back to where they want to be. PLUS, women is UNIQUE and each woman will take a different path to same destination... Becoming firmer and healthier.

Wanna join us? Stay tuned.... Russoman

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